Tag: JTF-Bravo

Aug. 17, 2021

JTF-Bravo assets arrive at forward operating location for USSOUTHCOM disaster assistance to Haiti

Two U.S. Army CH-47 Chinook and two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters with the 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment, Joint Task Force-Bravo, based out of Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, arrived at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in support of disaster relief operations for Haiti, August 16.

Aug. 16, 2021

JTF-Bravo deploys assets in support of USSOUTHCOM disaster assistance to Haiti

At the request of U.S. Southern Command, service members assigned to Joint Task Force-Bravo, Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, will deploy to Haiti in support of relief efforts and deliver critical supplies to the people of Haiti who were affected by the recent earthquake on Aug. 14, 2021. 

Aug. 16, 2021

U.S. Southern Command supports U.S. disaster assistance to Haiti

A team of 14 military personnel assigned to a U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) Situational Awareness Team (SSAT) arrived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Aug. 15, where they will work with U.S. government diplomatic and disaster-assistance personnel assessing the situation in areas impacted by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, Aug. 14.

Aug. 13, 2021

Winged Warriors receive Guatemalan Defense decorations

Service members with Joint Task Force-Bravo and the 1-228 Aviation Regiment Winged Warriors conducted operations across Guatemala, Honduras and Panama following the devastation left by Eta and Iota. The Guatemalan Armed Forces awarded the Medal of the White Nun to 31 members of the Winged Warriors and 14 0to supporting staff with JTF-Bravo to recognize their support during hurricane relief operations.

Aug. 3, 2021

JTF-Bravo leadership conducts operational familiarization visit with civil affairs teams in Guatemala

Leadership with Joint Task Force-Bravo (JTF-B) conducted an operational familiarization visit, July 19-21, to meet, engage and interact with three civil affairs teams (CAT) who are forward deployed from Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras.

July 19, 2021

Rebuilding together: Colombia, JTF-Bravo Global Health Engagement concludes on Providencia Island

U.S. military service members and civilian providers with Joint Task Force-Bravo (JTF-B), a U.S. Southern Command unit based out of Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, in coordination with the Colombian Ministry of Health, military, government, and non-government organizations, conducted a Global Health Engagement July 14-16.

July 15, 2021

Strengthening partnerships for disaster readiness

U.S. military and civilian personnel from Joint Task Force-Bravo, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Honduran Armed Forces, Permanent Contingency Committee (COPECO) and Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Services (INSEP), conducted a joint training to enhance disaster response readiness, July 12 – 14.  

July 6, 2021

Enduring Promise: JTF-Bravo hosts Global Health Engagement in Honduras

Members of Joint Task Force-Bravo (JTF-B), Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, visited the department of Colón for a Global Health Engagement June 28-July 2.

June 11, 2021

JTF-Bravo leadership visits partner nation military

U.S. Army Col. Steven Gventer, commander of Joint Task Force-Bravo (JTF-B), Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, and members of the Task Force, met with Maj. Gen. Tito Livio Moreno Coello, Honduran Armed Forces Chief of Staff, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, June 9, to discuss the long-standing U.S. and Honduran partnership. 

June 4, 2021

1-228th Aviation Regiment welcomes new commander, recalls record year of hurricane relief efforts

The 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment held a change of command ceremony June 4, 2021 at Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras.

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