Key Leader Engagement
U.S. Army Col. Thomas Boccardi, Joint Task Force-Bravo Commander, and Julie Schechter Torres, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy, met with Lt. Col. Santos Colindres, Deputy Commander of the Honduran 5th Infantry Battalion, at Mocoron, Honduras, Dec. 3, 2013. The leaders discussed several issues affecting the Gracias a Dios region of Honduras and how the U.S. and Honduras can work together to overcome challenges. Boccardi and Torres then departed Mocoron to observe Joint Task Force-Bravo's Medical Element (MEDEL) performing a Medical Readiness Training Exercise (MEDRETE) in the remote village of Auka. At Auka, Boccardi and Torres were able to interact with Honduran medical providers as well as meet with Marilyn Bentlez, Vice-Mayor of Puerto Lempira, Honduras. (U.S. Air Force photo by Capt. Zach Anderson)