
Joint Task Force-Bravo conducts medical exercise, builds relationships in Nicaragua
U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Veronica Badillo, Joint Task Force-Bravo Medical Element, examines a Nicaraguan man’s leg during a consultation, while participating in a Medical Readiness Training Exercise, May 18, 2016, in Alamikamba, Nicaragua. MEDRETEs help validate service members’ ability to provide care under austere conditions in remote locations, such as the Nicaraguan Miskito Coast, while providing an opportunity to help the host nation and build relationships between the U.S. and the Central American countries. A total of 1,265 Nicaraguans received care during the MEDRETE, which included participation from Nicaraguan Ministry of Health and Army in cooperation with JTF-Bravo service members and Honduran medical liaisons from Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras. (U.S. Army photo by Maria Pinel)

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