
Marines meet with Gracias a Dios leaders, discuss construction projects
PUERTO LEMPIRA, Honduras – Marelin Bendles, the Ministry of Education representative for Gracias a Dios Department, and Alberto Haylock, the Governor of Gracias a Dios Department, review plans for a school to be built by the Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force-Southern Command, during a bi-lateral meeting in Puerto Lempira, Honduras, June 18, 2015. The SPMAGTF-SC is based out of Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, through November 2015 and plans to build two additional schools in Gracias a Dios, along with a road and airfield construction project. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Capt. Christopher Love)

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Photo by: Capt. Christopher Love |  VIRIN: 150618-F-LC048-013.JPG

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