U.S. Army Spec. Ops. aids 1-228th Avn. Reg. with over water hoist training
U.S. Army Special Operations members monitor their team-mates as members of the 1-228th Aviation Regiment hoist them out of Lake Yojoa, Honduras, Jan. 22, 2015. The 1-228th Avn. Reg. partnered with U.S. Army Special Operations personnel to practice recovering live personnel. The over-water hoist training was held to ensure members of Joint Task Force-Bravo are planning and preparing for crisis and contingency response, as well as countering transnational organized crime, and counterterrorism operations as part of U.S. Southern Command’s mission. Contingency planning prepares the command for various scenarios that pose the greatest probability of challenging our regional partners or threatening our national interests. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Keola Soon)