
JTF-Bravo conducts Costa Rica MEDCAP
Air Force Staff Sgt. Tsering Chophel, Medical Element pharmacy technician, and Costa Rican pharmacy technician Andres Arroyo Boirivant distribute medication to residents of Piedra Meza, Costa Rica, March 24. A team of 15 Joint Task Force-Bravo Medical Element personnel, in cooperation with Costa Rican healthcare providers, the Costa Rican police and members of the U.S. Military Group in Costa Rica, conducted a medical civic assistance program, or MEDCAP, in the isolated mountaintop village March 24-26. (U.S. Air Force photo by 1st Lt. Jen Richard)

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Photo by: st Lt. Jen Richard |  VIRIN: 100324-F-3759R-001.JPG

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