The Joint Task Force-Bravo welcomed a new commander during a change of command ceremony here today on the base's parade ground. Army Col. Thomas D. Boccardi assumed command from Army Col. Guy A. LeMire with Marine Gen. John F. Kelly, U.S. Southern Command commander, officiating.
"I'm honored to serve here side by side with each of you and to be partnered with the Honduran military as this is a once in a life time opportunity," said Boccardi. "We have a long and vital relationship, one which is necessary in such a complicated and strategic environment."
"Sharing in partnership to foster security and stability is a noble endeavor," he added. " Joint Task Force-Bravo has a distinguished resume in this endeavor, as they have conducted numerous medical readiness training exercises all over Central America, trained with police and fire departments, to increase their capacity, and countered transnational organized crimes through a variety of operational missions."
Boccardi gave his speech in front of more than 200 JTF-Bravo Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines, which included special guest such as honorable Ms. Lisa Kubiske, the American ambassador to Honduras, Arturo Corrales, the national commissioner for security and defense, Marlon Pascua, the Honduran minister of defense and Honduran Gen. Rene Osorio, chief of staff of the armed forces.
"At a time when the strategic environment is so complicated my goals are simple, I want to keep building trust by preserving partnerships and making new ones," said Boccardi." I also want to be a reliable and valuable member of a team and strengthen the network in this region."
Boccardi is a graduate of Colorado State University, where he earned a Bachelors Degree in Political Science and earned his commission through the reserve officer training corps, a Masters of Military Arts and Science from the Command and General Staff College. He's also a graduate of the Joint & Combined War Fighting School and was a 2011 Senior Service College Fellow at Yale University.
Col. Guy A. LeMire's next assignment will be at the Naval Postgraduate School as the command language program manager in Monterey, Calif.
Joint Task Force-Bravo operates on the Honduran military installation, Soto Cano Air Base, in central Honduras and is comprised of more than 600 U.S. military personnel and more than 650 U.S and Honduran civilians. JTF-Bravo works to build partnerships with Honduras and other Central American countries to foster security, stability and prosperity for the Americas.
JTF-Bravo conducts a variety of missions in Central America from supporting U.S. Government operations to counter transnational crime to humanitarian assistance/disaster relief and building partner capacities. The successful completion of these missions allows JTF-Bravo to promote security throughout the region, which is the foundation for stable and productive societies.